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Survival Water Purification Tablets

Water purification tablets are a convenient and effective way to make water safe for drinking. Here’s a guide to choosing and using them:

 **1. Types of Water Purification Tablets**

**a. Iodine Tablets:**
– **How They Work:** Release iodine to kill bacteria, viruses, and protozoa.
– **Pros:** Effective and widely available.
– **Cons:** May leave an iodine taste and can cause allergic reactions in some people. Not effective against some protozoa like Cryptosporidium.

**b. Chlorine Dioxide Tablets:**
– **How They Work:** Release chlorine dioxide, which is effective against bacteria, viruses, and protozoa, including Cryptosporidium.
– **Pros:** More effective and less taste compared to iodine.
– **Cons:** More expensive.

**c. Sodium Chlorite Tablets:**
– **How They Work:** Used with an activator (usually citric acid) to produce chlorine dioxide.
– **Pros:** Effective against a broad range of pathogens.
– **Cons:** Requires two-step process.

#### **2. How to Use Water Purification Tablets**

**a. Check Instructions:**
– Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding dosage and wait time.

**b. Dosage:**
– **General Rule:** Usually 1 tablet per liter of water. Some tablets may differ, so check the specific instructions.

**c. Wait Time:**
– **Iodine Tablets:** Typically wait 30 minutes.
– **Chlorine Dioxide Tablets:** Usually wait 4 hours for full effectiveness.

**d. Taste Removal:**
– If the taste is unpleasant, you can improve it by adding flavoring or letting the water sit uncovered for a few hours to allow some of the taste to dissipate.

#### **3. Considerations**

**a. Shelf Life:**
– Tablets have a shelf life; check the expiration date and store them in a cool, dry place.

**b. Effectiveness:**
– Ensure the tablets are effective against all pathogens, including viruses, bacteria, and protozoa, depending on your needs.

**c. Compatibility:**
– Make sure the tablets are compatible with the type of water you are treating (e.g., clear vs. turbid).

**d. Environmental Impact:**
– Be aware that iodine tablets can leave a chemical residue, while chlorine dioxide breaks down into harmless components.

### Recommended Brands

1. **Potable Aqua Tablets (Iodine-Based)**
– Well-known and widely used for general water purification needs.

2. **Aqua Mira Water Treatment Drops (Chlorine Dioxide)**
– Effective against a wide range of pathogens and more palatable.

3. **Katadyn Micropur MP1 (Chlorine Dioxide)**
– Provides a reliable and effective method for purifying water.

### Summary

– **Types:** Iodine, chlorine dioxide, and sodium chlorite tablets.
– **Usage:** Follow manufacturer instructions for dosage and wait times.
– **Considerations:** Shelf life, effectiveness, and taste removal.

Water purification tablets are a crucial part of a survival kit, offering a reliable method for making water safe to drink in emergency situations.

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